Last updated 2017-01-28

Vehicle damage image specifications

List of vehicle damage image specifications and requirements on a claim.

Required specifications

Type Required specifications
All vehicle damage images All images must
  • display a clear image of vehicle damage
  • accurately represent the damage, and
  • be taken at the time of claim initiation or initial inspection/estimate.
Vehicle damage images with a yardstick All images must
  • show perspective, and
  • be taken at an angle that displays the damages in-line with the yardstick numbers.

Minimum images required

Type of claim Minimum image(s) required
All claims
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), either the dash or door tag
  • photos taken from perspectives showing all four corners of the vehicle
  • overall perspective of the vehicle's interior
  • detailing conditions and options, such as seats, headliner and dash
  • odometer reading
  • driver door interior trim panel
  • any exterior model or sub-model emblems
  • photos of roof detailing options such as, sunroof, luggage racks, and overall condition
  • vehicle damage for each repair estimate is consistent with the loss being claimed
  • all unrelated damage
  • overall and close-up images with a yardstick (yardstick image requirement can appear in other image), and
  • additional photos to support requests for additional parts and labour on supplement.
Total loss claims
  • Engine compartment, and
  • tire tread
Collision and Hit and Run claims (in addition to the above required specifications)
  • Overall image with a yardstick, and
  • close-up image with a yardstick
All claims involving part replacement In-stock parts
Any claim upon teardown Structural/Inner damage
Supplements Images of vehicle damage for additional parts and labour requests.