Approve taxi fuel conversion transfer payment after total loss settlement

Steps on approving taxi fuel conversion transfer payment aft a total loss settlement.

When this applies

Sometimes the owner of a total loss taxi may decide to transfer fuel conversion equipment to a replacement taxi after settlement. If done within a reasonable timeframe, the estimator may approve payment of the equipment transfer fee.

ICBC has settled a total loss on a taxi. Prior to settlement, the owner was unsure about converting the replacement vehicle. The owner has now decided to transfer the fuel conversion equipment to the replacement taxi.


  1. Taxi owner
    1. Contacts ICBC to transfer the fuel conversion equipment to the replacement taxi.
  2. Estimator
    1. Reviews the time since settlement.

      When the time is reasonable, the estimator approves the transfer.

  3. Taxi owner
    1. Installs the fuel conversion equipment.
  4. Estimator
    1. Re-inspects the vehicle.

      The estimator checks that the fuel conversion equipment is installed.

    2. Approves payment of fuel conversion equipment transfer.