Last updated 2021-10-28

Custom refinish allowance

Summary of the coverage limits on custom refinishing allowances.

Limits of coverage

The maximum amount of custom refinishing allowances varies depending on the customer purchasing additional endorsement coverage:

When the customer... Then custom paint is covered...
has no endorsement up to $5,000 above the appropriate Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) or the applicable paint chart times.
has Extra Equipment coverage (sold directly on the APV250)
  • in excess of $5,000, and
  • to a maximum of the specific excess amount of coverage the customer has purchased.
Note: Appropriate MCE or paint chart rates are applied at default two stage rates. Vehicles with a tri-coat factory finish are allotted three stage (or greater if so equipped) prior to the custom refinish allowance. The $5000 limit
  • is the aggregate amount for all additional equipment excluding wheelchair mods, and the $1000 sound/communication limit, and
  • does not apply to declared value vehicles.
For more information, refer to section 5.11 of the Optional Booklet.