Last updated 2023-09-20

Finalize claim: Damage consistent with other cause of loss but customer pursues hit and run claim

The claims representative works with a customer who persists in pursuing a hit and run claim.


The estimator reviews the damage and determines it is the result of a single vehicle collision.

When this applies

The customer attends an appointment with the estimator and claims representative to review the damage. The estimator explains why damage is inconsistent with a vehicle to vehicle collision and a single vehicle claim is offered. The customer persists in pursuing a hit and run claim.


  1. Review the damage with the customer and the estimator.
  2. Make a decision to deny the claim based on the
    • damages to the vehicle, and
    • evidence collected.
    Note: The estimator may have asked for a second opinion from another estimator, technical supervisor, or manager.
  3. Ask the estimator to collect
    • paint samples, and
    • samples of foreign matter in the damage area, for example wood splinters, concrete granules, if available.
  4. Ask the estimator to place a HOLD on the repairs.
  5. Explain to the customer
    • the reasons for not releasing the estimate sheet, and
    • that the claim requires additional investigation.
  6. Provide the customer with either an Application for Payment Under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act Section 24 - Hit and Run (CL45) form for claims with a date of loss (DOL)on April 30, 2021, or earlier, or an Automobile Proof of Loss (CL37) form for claims with a DOLon May 1, 2021, or later and ask them to
    • complete the form
    • have the form notarized at their expense, and
    • return it to ICBC.
    Important: Obtain a completed CL37 when the customer is claiming against their optional policy and you are considering denying coverage. The CL37 allows you to conduct an examination under oath of the insured and demand documents to support the loss. The final coverage decision depends on the outcome of the investigation.
  7. Explain samples are sent out for analysis once either the CL45 or CL37 form is returned.
  8. Update the file notes including
    • the inconsistency of the damages
    • height measurements
    • indication of damages
    • indication of paint samples being taken, and
    • that the customer has been provided with either a CL45 or CL37 form to be notarized at their expense.
  9. Create an activity for two weeks later to close the file if the customer does not return the CL45 or CL37 form.
  10. Does the customer return a completed and notarized CL45 or CL37 form?
    • If yes, handle the claim as per completed CL45 or CL37 procedures.
    • If no, close the file.