Last updated 2021-10-28

Response time and availability of exchange parts

Guidelines for response time and availability of exchange parts by suppliers.

Response time and availability

Suppliers must

  • be able to determine immediately whether a part is available in inventory, and
  • adhere to the following response times and parts availability requirements.
When ... And ... Then the ...
an exchange part is in inventory not applicable part must be shipped within 24 hours.
no part is in inventory a core other than the customer’s is available part must be shipped within 48 hours.
no part is in inventory the customer’s core is being used repaired part must be returned to the repair facility within 48 hours of being received by the exchange supplier.
Note: Chrome bumpers may take longer to be returned.
the supplier has a part listed in the Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) database has no core available supplier must
  • research the availability of a core and/or an exchange part with all other suppliers, and
  • advise the repair facility of availability within one working day.
Note: The duration and extent of the vehicle repairs should be considered when deciding whether to use the customer’s core.


If only the bumper is being replaced, it may be more economical to use an alternative part.