Last updated 2021-10-28

Determine a total loss using applicable labour rate

Steps on determining a total loss using applicable labour rate.

When this applies

Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) defaults to the most current program participant rates. When the total loss warning is triggered, estimators must determine the reparability of the vehicle based on where the vehicle will be repaired and the applicable facility rates.


  1. Select the appropriate labour rate in MCE to determine whether the vehicle is repairable.
    If the customer ... Then ...
    has not chosen a repair facility allow MCE to default to the most current program participant rates.
    has chosen a repair facility select the rate appropriate for that supplier level to override the default setting.

    If the vehicle is a potential total loss, the total loss warning triggers.

  2. Continue according to whether the total loss warning appeared.

    Did the total loss warning appear?

    • If yes, then proceed to the next step.
    • If no, then follow the procedure, Write estimate for repairable vehicle.
  3. Handle the total loss warning.
    If ... Then ...
    • the Total Loss (T/L) warning is triggered at the default rates, and
    • the customer chooses a non-participating collision repair facility
    review the cost of repairs at the lower rate to ensure that the total repair cost will not render the vehicle a total loss.
    the total repair costs, including anticipated supplements, will not exceed the ICBC total loss criteria remove the total loss warning before releasing the Estimate or Appraisal to the customer.