Last updated 2024-04-23

Transferring repair estimates to dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility policy

An authorized estimate or appraisal is transferable when a vehicle has been traded in to a dealer or sold to a commercial vehicle repair facility if, prior to the change of vehicle ownership, the

  • claim has been reported, and
  • estimate or appraisal is written and clearly included in the sales contract.


The registered owner or insured must obtain a fully authorized ICBC repair estimate from their servicing claims office or collision repair program facility. If the claim is Express Repair qualified, all attempts should be made to use the repair facility that submitted the written estimate or appraisal and received authorization to complete the repairs. Additional conditions are as follows:

Condition Specific details
Claim is part of sale The original sales contract must include the claim as part of the transaction.
Deductible, depreciation, and tax Any deductible, depreciation, or tax that applies to the claim must be paid directly to the repair facility performing the repairs.
Repair start deadline The dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility has seven (7) days from the date of transfer of ownership, as indicated on the sales contract, to start repairs.
Limitation period Claims are subject to a two (2) year limitation in accordance with Division 8, Prescribed Condition 8(3) of the ICBC Autoplan Optional Policy.
Acting on behalf of registered owner
The dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility’s general manager or sales manager may
  • act on behalf of the registered owner, and
  • sign the Certification of Repairs upon completion of the repairs.