Direct payment timeframes and documentation

Summary of direct payment timeframes, documentation and requirements.

Direct payment timeframes

Only approved suppliers qualified to complete the specific repairs required can bill ICBC directly.

The table presents how payments are issued:



Pay period

ICBC issues payments every two weeks.

ICBC payment processing commitment

ICBC commits (except in unusual circumstances) to make payment within 30 days of receiving the properly completed repair estimate invoice.

ICBC makes every attempt to include all payments within a two-week period.

Cut-off and payment dates

All claims offices have payment schedules showing the following for the next supplier payment:

  • the cut-off date to accept data, and
  • the date cheques will be produced and payments made.


Payments are made to suppliers who

  • possess a supplier number, and
  • provide statements identifying claim numbers and payment amounts.

Garnishment and legal remedies

Payments are subject to garnishment and other legal remedies that creditors may use against suppliers. ICBC may be required to direct payment to creditor(s).