Last updated 2021-05-01

Process payment application for hit and run claim

Process an application for payment for an unidentifedhit and run claim based on the date of loss (DOL).

When this applies

Note: Effective May 1, 2021, the statutory coverage for hit and run defined under Section 24 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act (IVA) is only available for non-vehicle property damage. This topic only applies to vehicle damage claims on April 30, 2021, or earlier.


  1. Determine how to handle the claim depending on the DOL.
    DOL Action
    on April 30, 2021, or earlier. Ask customer to
    • complete an Application for Payment under Section 24 Hit and Run (CL45) form
    • notarize the CL45 form, and
    • return the CL45 form before proceding to the next steps of the dispute process.
    on May 1, 2021, or later. Ask customer to
    • complete a Automobile Proof of Loss (CL37)
    • notarize the CL37 form, and
    • return the CL37 form before proceding to the next steps of the dispute process.
  2. Review the customer’s coverage and claims history for
    • reasons why the customer is indicating it is a hit and run claim rather instead of an own damage claim, or
    • previously denied hit and run claims.
  3. Review the claim with manager and determine whether to
    • ask for paint samples for analysis, or
    • maintain denial of the claim based on the evidence of contact with a stationary object.

    A submission to the Claims Coverage Committee may be appropriate when determining if an own damage claim should be extended, such as where the vehicle owner insists on a hit and run, and later discovers that another member of the family damaged the vehicle.

  4. Create notes that includes the
    • inconsistencies of the damage
    • height measurements
    • whether or not paint samples or foreign material from the damage area were taken, and
    • samples sent for paint analysis.
  5. Review the paint sample analysis results.
    Findings Action
    Evidence is conclusive that it is not a hit and run claim. Close the claim.
    Evidence is conclusive that the collision was with a stationary object.
    Consult manager to determine whether to
    • process as single vehicle collision, or
    • deny claim.
    Evidence is inconclusive. Process as hit and run claim.
  6. Advise customer of all evidence that indicates
    • customer was responsible for the collision, or
    • authorized the repairs when it is a hit and run.
    Note: A false statement is treated as a breach of Section 75, Forfeiture of the IVA, and any other claims the customer is entitled to when their policy is denied.