Last updated 2025-02-06

Manage direct truck repair estimate

Steps on a repair facility completing a direct truck repair estimate.

When this applies

When a vehicle is repaired, the estimator can have the repair facility complete the initial repair estimate and digital images for review and approval.


  1. Retrieve the EST - Commercial activity.
  2. Confirm the customer's repair facility is a Direct Truck Repair (DTR) facility.
  3. Contact the DTR facility to confirm acceptance of the vehicle for repairs.
  4. Access the DTR estimate template:
    • populate the template with the customer, claim and vehicle information, and
    • send the populated estimate template to the DTR facility.
    Note: The DTR estimate template is an Excel spreadsheet.
  5. Update the activity with the facility's
    • DTR status, and
    • ability to estimate vehicle.
  6. Complete the activity.
  7. Ensure the DTR facility is listed as a party involved.
  8. Review and authorize the submitted DTR estimate and corresponding digital images.
  9. Update ClaimCenter with the:
    • the Vehicle Estimate Status, and
    • Type of Vehicle Estimate.
  10. Discuss details of the repair estimate with the customer and the repair facility.

    Examples of the details:

    • depreciation
    • co-insurance or
    • deductible.
  11. Attach the completed DTR estimate to the claim.

    If the DTR estimate was ...



    drag and drop it into the claim in ClaimCenter.


    send it to the Document Capture Facility (DCF).

  12. Note the claim with the:
    • approval of submitted repair estimate, and
    • any special instructions to the repair facility.