Supplier billing restrictions

Guidelines for supplier billing restrictions.

Approved business type

Suppliers must meet two general billing criteria:

  • bill ICBC only for work that the supplier is approved and qualified to provide, and
  • only bill ICBC once all repairs are completed according to the estimate instructions.
Note: Failure to adhere to either of these may result in severe consequences.

All ICBC suppliers must be approved for each business type, based on the services the supplier offers. When an ICBC supplier submits an estimate for payment for work other than their approved business type:

  • ICBC returns the estimate unpaid to the ICBC supplier, and
  • ICBC supplier must then apply for payment as a Non-Supplier.
Example: A Mechanical facility (business type 21), Detailing facility (business type 18), or Glass facility (business type 05)
  • cannot directly invoice ICBC for paint and/or body repairs, and
  • cannot bill indirectly as a sublet.

ICBC supplier contracts

The following are all contracts between the supplier and ICBC:

  • Estimate or Appraisal
  • Glass Estimate (CL14B) form
  • Supplement Estimate (CL14D) form, and
  • any other repair invoice submitted by a supplier.

Each contract requires the following:

  • supplier to complete all repairs to the customer’s vehicle in accordance with specified instructions, and
  • any changes or additions to the content of these forms (contracts) to be properly approved by an ICBC claims representative.

Contract requirements

Each contract requires:

  • supplier to complete all repairs to the customer’s vehicle in accordance with specified instructions, and
  • any changes or additions to the content of these forms (contracts) to be properly approved by an ICBC claims representative.


When work has not been completed in accordance with the contract (Estimate or Appraisal), then the supplier

  • must obtain the owner’s agreement for completing the required changes
  • must complete the repairs on the vehicle
  • will not be paid until the vehicle has been properly repaired
  • is responsible for any alternative transportation required by the customer, and
  • may face suspension or termination for not completing the repairs in accordance with the Estimate or Appraisal.