Repair Estimate abbreviations

List of abbreviations and terms on the Estimate or Appraisal.

Abbreviations and terms

Estimators use pre-determined abbreviations for terms on the Estimate or Appraisal.

Table 1.
Abbreviation Term
A/C air conditioning
ASSY assembly
BRKT bracket
C clear coat
EXT extension
Frt front
INC included
L left
Labour Types B = Body, R = Refinish, F = Frame, G = Glass, M = Mechanical
Labour Op Labour Operation
Labour Operations A = Align, AC = Additional Costs and Materials, AI = Access/Inspect, AL = Align, AO = Additional Operations, BL = Blend, CA = Check/Adjuster, OV = Overhaul, RI = Remove/install, RR = Remove/Replace, RP = Repair, RO = Refinish Outer.
P/L (Betterment) Parts/Labour
R right
Sup Supplement
T/A/B to assist blend
T/A/P to assist paint (refinish)
T/A/R to assist repair
T/LAMP tail lamp
TL total loss
W/O wheel opening