Handle natural gas or propane leak

Steps to handle natural gas or propane leak suspected or detected on a vehicle.

When this applies

If a compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquid propane gas (LPG) leak is suspected or detected, do not start the vehicle. Remove the vehicle from the building immediately by manually pushing or towing it.

Gas leaks can be extremely hazardous do to the explosiveness of the material. Use extreme caution if you suspect or detect such a leak.


  1. Strictly enforce no-smoking regulations.
  2. Open main vehicle doors using manual procedures.
    Warning: Do not use electric motors, such as the power door lock features to unlock or open the doors.
  3. Open all building doors that exit to the outside.
  4. Advise the building superintendent to start up exhaust and ventilation fans using manual procedures.
  5. Place ‘Danger Gas Leak’ sign on vehicle.
  6. Do not start the vehicle. Do not start any other vehicles in the vicinity of the gas leak.
  7. Remove vehicle to storage yard
    • by manually pushing it, or
    • by tow truck.
  8. Notify the Security and Safety Department at 604-982-6940.