Last updated 2021-10-28

Authorize vehicle teardown estimate

Steps to authorize the vehicle teardown estimate at the repair facility.

When this applies

Vehicle teardown is used when hidden damage is probable and may change the status of the vehicle from repairable to a total loss.

Before a teardown occurs, the estimator or repair facility must determine that a vehicle teardown is necessary to determine vehicle repairability.


  1. Review the estimate.
  2. Determine the vehicle repair status.
    If repairs … Then …
    have not been started

    use the Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) Pre-store repair line to complete teardown estimate / appraisal for all hidden damage

    Note: PST on the teardown is exempt when the vehicle is sold as salvage. The ICBC PST number PST-1015-1440 must be provided to the repair facility and ICBC pays no PST on the repair.
    have been started review the previously approved estimate to determine what amount ICBC will pay the repair facility based on the repairs completed to date.
    Note: The MCE Pre-store field (TEARDOWN TO DETERMINE T/L) cannot be used on the original Estimate or Appraisal. A new Suffix must be created.
  3. Contacts the vehicle owner to discuss the process.
  4. Makes a note in the claim.