Last updated 2022-07-28

Interior trim guidelines

Guidelines for interior trim refinish times and heavy equipment interiors.

Refinish times

When refinishing interior trim components, do not use the Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) refinish times, use the sublet repair column in MCE and apply a dollar amount for refinish times to interior trim components.
Note: Refinish times for interior trim are applied differently from times for exterior panels.

Examples of interior trim components include

  • steering column covers, and
  • dash panels.

Heavy equipment considerations

Commercial estimators and appraisers must consider the following when assessing heavy equipment interiors:

  • Plastic parts can be repaired if cost effective.
  • Fabric over cardboard backing can be repaired if cost effective.
  • Bonded cabinets and compartments can be repaired or replaced.
  • Remove and install is usually not included in any exterior panel replacement operation.
  • Labour guide should be checked for inclusions.
  • Removal of dash assemblies is not usually required.
  • Partial removal or set-back is sometimes sufficient.