Biohazard supplier invoice requirements

Requirements for biohazard supplier invoices.

Supplier requirements

All service providers that ICBC utilizes for inspection and/or cleaning services must meet ICBC’s minimum supplier requirements.

Note: All enquiries regarding supplier requirements should be directed to the Accreditation Department. Biohazard suppliers are required to complete invoices according to the service performed.

Inspection and cleaning invoices

Invoices from suppliers for inspection and/or cleaning expenses must include details of the service provided. On repairable vehicles, all suppliers must ensure their invoices are broken into two categories: inspection and cleaning. No breakdown is required for a total loss vehicle. Items are attributed to the different parties, as follows:


Costs for the sole benefit of this party

Inspection portion of the bill for a repairable vehicle


Cleaning portion of the bill for a repairable vehicle


Any costs incurred on a total loss vehicle