Last updated 2016-12-15

Access manual repair estimate in ClaimCenter

Steps to complete a manual Claim Estimate (CL14) in ClaimCenter.

When this applies

Vehicles such as large commercial trucks or recreational vehicles may require a Manual Estimate to be created through ClaimCenter.

When creating a Manual Estimate in ClaimCenter, most of the basic claim and customer information is pre-populated:

  • the customer
  • address
  • vehicle information
  • the GST percentage for a tax registrant, and
  • if the customer is PST exempt including their PST registration number.


  1. Retrieve the claim in ClaimCenter.
  2. Review the details in the claim.
  3. Retrieve an Claim Estimate (CL14) template.
  4. Select the appropriate document type and sub-type.
  5. Select the appropriate Estimate or Appraisal form.
  6. Confirm all appropriate fields are completed.
  7. Attach the appropriate claims office to the form.
  8. Enter the deductible, if applicable.
  9. Print the claims Claim Estimate (CL14) form.
    Note: The steps are the same regardless of the form iteration (for example, A00, B00, C00, etc.) that is required.


The Estimate or Appraisal form is now printed and ready for the repair estimate details to be added.