Complete motorcycle or snowmobile total loss worksheet

Guidelines for completing a motorcycle or snowmobile total loss worksheet.

Estimator or Total Loss Handler responsibilities

The following must be completed for every motorcycle or snowmobile total loss:

  • complete the appropriate total loss worksheet in detail, and
  • confirm how the motorcycle has been insured:
    • declared value, or
    • plate policy.

Applicable total loss worksheets

The applicable total loss worksheets are as follows:

When the vehicle is a ... Then complete the ...
motorcycle Total Loss Worksheet Motorcycle (CL30B)
snowmobile Total Loss Worksheet Snowmobile (CL30K)

Total loss values

Total loss values can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Vehicle Valuation report Specialty Services
  • product dealers (minimum of three quotes)
  • Buy and Sell
  • motorcycle blue book
  • internet (Craigslist, EBay, etc).