Last updated 2016-12-16

Requirements for invoices submitted by suppliers

Summary of billing and signature requirements that a supplier must have on the invoices submitted to ICBC for payment.

Billing requirements

The automated ICBC supplier payment system ensures payment to the supplier to be processed quickly and efficiently.

Suppliers must ensure that all payments submitted to ICBC are:

  • an accurate account of the work completed
  • including labour operations
  • parts replaced, and any sublet performed, and
  • invoices for parts and sublet operations are attached.
Important: Submitting invoices for parts not used or services not performed is a mis-representation, and may result in the withholding of payment, loss of supplier number, and/or prosecution.

Signature requirements

Before the Estimate or Appraisal is submitted to ICBC for payment, the invoice must be signed by the:

  • vehicle owner or their representative indicating the repairs are satisfactory, and
  • an officer or employee of the repair facility who is responsible for the quality of the repair and accuracy of the invoice.
Note: An officer or repair facility employee must not sign on behalf of the vehicle owner or as their representative.