Last updated 2021-10-28

Apply judgement time to replacement part modifications

Guidelines for applying judgement time when modifying a replacement part.

When this applies

When additional judgement time is required to:
  • modify a replacement part that is not sold with the necessary fitment
  • remove foam from a part of a vehicle requiring repair, or
  • replace a part where the replacement does not match the pre-existing part.

Example: A rear bumper may not come with holes existing for backup sensors, therefore additional time is required to modify the replacement bumper, to install the pre-existing sensors.


To add the judgement time:
  • enter a manual entry in Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE), identifying the part, procedure, and judgement time, and
  • provide supporting photographic documentation, of the condition of parts before work is performed.
Note: MCE does not include time required to remove structural or sound deadening foam during part replacement.
When determining how much additional judgment time is required to remove foam during a repair or part replacement, consider the:
  • required access to repair the panel
  • heat or welding required, or
  • access to apply rust protection.
Note: Additional time can be incorporated in the repair judgement time, when removing foam from behind a panel.