Last updated 2024-03-04

Apply the repair planning and documentation fee to an estimate

Collision repair program participants can apply the repair planning and documentation fee on an estimate that is eligible to receive the fee.

When this applies

When the participant has an eligible estimate and has met the documentation requirements outlined in the topic, Documentation required to apply for the repair planning and documentation fee, they bill ICBC for the repair planning and documentation fee listed on the Collision Repair Facility Labour Rates and Material Allowances.


  1. Determine if the repair facility is eligible for the repair planning and documentation fee based on the submission of the vehicle damage estimate.
    If the vehicle damage estimate is… Then the repair facility ...
    repairable and a repair facility is submitting the estimate to ICBC applies repair planning and documentation fee to the estimate prior to submission.
    cash settled by ICBC in its entirety after being written and submitted by the participant, and the repair facility does not bill ICBC for any portion of the estimated repair is eligible to bill the repair planning and documentation fee.
    Note: When cash settlement complete, all other estimate lines must be zeroed out to allow repair facility to submit fee for payment.
    submitted to ICBC under same claim number by more than one repair facility due to customer requested shop change completing the repairs is eligible to bill the fee.
    cash settled by ICBC, plus salvage proceeds, when the customer does not want the repairable vehicle repaired or returned to them is eligible to bill the repair planning and documentation fee.
    Note: Once the estimator has settled the claim with the customer, all other estimate lines must be zeroed out to allow repair facility to submit the fee for payment
    one of multiple estimates that, when combined, contribute to the vehicle being a total loss is eligible to bill the repair planning and documentation fee for the estimates contributing to the vehicle being a total loss, but not receiving the total loss handling fee.
    Note: Once vehicle is confirmed as total loss, all other estimate lines must be zeroed out on overlapping estimates to allow repair facility to submit fee for payment.
  2. Determine whether the repair planning and documentation fee is eligible for payment on the estimate.
    If the ... Then the repair planning and documentation fee ...
    repair planning and documentation fee is applied on the original estimate is not eligible for payment on additional estimates or suffixes on the claim.
    tow-in handling fee is applied can also be applied once per claim on repairable vehicles.
    total loss handling fee is applied must not be applied to any claim estimate.
    Note: Estimates written for claims that are denied by ICBC, or withdrawn by customer, are not eligible for any fees.
  3. Select REPAIR PLANNING & DOCUMENTATION fee from the My Templates section of Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) and add it to the estimate.
  4. Complete and submit the estimate.
    Note: The repair planning and documentation fee can be charged in addition to the tow-in handling fee if the vehicle was delivered to the repair facility by a tow truck; however, it cannot be combined with the total loss handling fee.