Restocking fee and non returnable parts policy

Restocking fees and payment for non-returnable parts are only considered when the vehicle is declared a total loss by ICBC after the initial estimate has been approved.
Important: ICBC does not guarantee that consideration results in payment of restocking fees or for non-returnable parts.

The collision repair participant must add the REQUIRES REVIEW long expansion repair line from the ICBC My Templates group in Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) for payment consideration on any restocking fees or when billing for non-returnable parts.

Restocking or non-returnable parts must be billed at cost and match the amounts listed on the invoice. Non-returnable parts are designated as salvage. ICBC reserves the right to collect undamaged parts from the participant.

Instances where fees and payment are not considered

Restocking fees and payment for non-returnable parts are not considered or paid when
  • obvious damage on external panels and/or components that was not included on the original estimate or supplement that deems the vehicle a total loss
  • parts are readily available from suppliers, not requiring a special order
  • the customer is changing the repair facility, and
  • parts were ordered prior to ICBC determining if the vehicle was a total loss and certain actual cash value (ACV) thresholds were exceeded on the either the participant's original estimate or the initial supplement on an ICBC estimate, including
    • 80% threshold, applicable to vehicles with a normal status
    • combined threshold amounts of 80% on multiple claim scenarios
    • 60% threshold, applicable to vehicles with a rebuilt status, or
    • 50% threshold, applicable when an NVR+ policy is in effect.
      Note: If an initial estimate is approaching the relevant ACV threshold, submitting an estimate prior to ordering parts is recommended to obtain a maximum repair value and to ensure the vehicle is not a total loss. Participants must add the REQUIRES REVIEW long expansion repair line if the estimate value is below the relevant auto-approval threshold.