Last updated 2024-07-25
Page ID: DTS503

Standardized document tagging policy

Claims staff must ensure document properties are aligned with approved standards when uploading any document to a claim.

Refer to the Document Tagging Standards Excel spreadsheet for the full list of Document Names available for selection when uploading a document.

Document Tagging Standards (xlsx)

To request a Document Name be added, edited or retired, complete the Request for changes to Document Tagging Standards (CL796) form.

Request for changes to Document Tagging Standards (CL796)

Frequently used Document Names

Frequently used Document Names by area.
  • Document Document Name
    Comprehensive Medical Assessment (CMA) package (outgoing) Comprehensive Medical Assessment (CMA) Package
    Email (occupational therapist (OT), interpreter, tow company, etc.) General Correspondence - [Document subtype]

    Example: General Correspondence - Injury

    Income Tax Returns Income Tax Returns (ITR) or Notice of Assessment (NOA)
    Lien search results Lien Search Results - [Result type]

    Example: Lien Search Results - No Lien

    Notice of Civil Claim (NOCC) Notice of Civil Claim (NOCC) (Court Document)
    Vehicle Ownership Transfer Agreement (CL96) CL96 - Vehicle Ownership Transfer Agreement
    Police Report Correspondence (incoming from detachments) Police Detachment Correspondence
    Remote Photo Request (from tow company directly) Remote Photo Request
    Standard Document Package (SDP) Standard Document Package (SDP)
    Total loss receipts Customer Receipts - Vehicle Damage
  • Document Document Name
    Email to and from registered owner (RO) witness, principal driver, driver General Correspondence - [Document subtype]

    Example: General Correspondence - Investigation

    General Request - Other Other - Claim Request
    Lease agreement Vehicle Lease Agreement
    Photo checklist Photo Checklist for Towers
    Police Reports (either uploaded already or directly from detachment) Police Report
    Property Damage Release (CL38) CL38 - Property Damage Release
    Signed Report of Vehicle (CL159) CL159 - Report Of Vehicle
    Statement (CL688) CL688 - Statement
    Statement from RO, witness, principal driver, driver Statement - General
    Vehicle damage photos / pre-theft vehicle photos Image or Video - Material Damage (MD)
  • Document Document Name
    Vehicle damage photos Image or Video - Material Damage (MD)
    Dash cam footage Image or Video - Scene
    Email to repair facility / RO General Correspondence - [Document subtype]

    Example: General Correspondence - Vehicle Damage

    For sale ads Comparable Ads (ACV Dispute)
    Invoices (reimbursements or repairs) Invoice - Vehicle Damage
    Manual actual cash value (ACV)s Actual Cash Value (ACV) - Manual Calculation
    Owner Retention (CL96C) CL96C - Owner Retention Agreement
    Vehicle Ownership Transfer Agreement (CL96) CL96 - Vehicle Ownership Transfer Agreement
    Property Damage Release (CL38) CL38 - Property Damage Release
    Salvage quotes Quote - Salvage Value
  • Document Document Name
    Clinical invoice Invoice - Clinical Records
    Clinical records Clinical Record - [Modality]
    • Clinical Record - Physiotherapy
    • Clinical Record - Counselling
    Employment file Employment and Wage Loss Information
    Independent Medical Examination (IME) Report Independent Medical Examination (IME) - Report
    Income Tax Returns (ITRs) Income Tax Returns (ITR) or Notice of Assessment (NOA)
    Mediation invoice Invoice - Mediation
    Notice of Civil Claim (NOCC) Notice of Civil Claim (NOCC) (Court Document)
    Notice of Trial Notice of Trial (Court Document)
    Notice to Mediate Notice to Mediate (Court Document)
    List of Documents (LOD) List of Documents (Court Document)
  • Document Document Name
    Authorization to Provide Medical Information (CL237A) CL237A - Authorization to Provide Medical Information
    Clinical records / reports Clinical Record - [Modality]

    Example: Clinical Record - Physiotherapy

    Customer receipts for reimbursement Customer Receipts - [Doc subtype]

    Example: Customer Receipts - Injury

    Death certificate Identification (ID) - Investigation
    Email correspondence OT employer, employee) General Correspondence - [Document subtype]

    Example: General Correspondence - Injury

    Homemaking and Attendant Care Reimbursement (CL770) CL770 - Homemaking and Attendant Care Reimbursement
    Injury Questionnaire (CL508) CL508 - Injury Questionnaire
    Medical reports Medical Report - Initial, Progress, Discharge
    Salary documentation (T4, pay stubs, record of employment) Employment and Wage Loss Information
    Treatment Travel expense form (CL753) CL753 - Treatment Travel Expense Form


The Document Name field in ClaimCenter is a filterable drop down search.
  • To search for a Document Name, start typing and results will automatically display once three or more characters have been entered.
  • The list will display any results containing the string of characters you type. There is also a keyword glossary built into the background.
  • An option must be selected from the drop down menu to successfully update the Document Name. If the Document Name is left blank or if a typed Document Name does not exist on the list, an error message will display, and you will be unable to update until a name is selected.
  • Once a Document Name is selected, the other mandatory metadata fields, Document Type and Document Sub-Type, will auto-populate.
    • When using Other - [Doc Type], it is best practice to add text in the Title field for more specificity when tagging and searching documents.
  • For best display, adjust the widths of table columns and rearrange the column order as needed.
    Note: For further information, refer to Customize and organize your screens.