Last updated 2025-02-06
Page ID: ENF652

Obtaining a valuation

Obtain a valuation for a potential total loss.


Compliance requests a review of the claim for potential total loss.

When this applies

A collision repair facility is completing a repair estimate or supplement and
  • Compliance flags the claim as needing attention
  • a review is conducted for a potential loss, and
  • the actual cash value (ACV) threshold of
    • 80% or more is surpassed, or
    • 60% is exceeded if the vehicle has rebuilt status.
Note: The rebuilt status is identified in the Adjuster Notes located in Journal Notes/Messages screen in Mitchell.
    1. Reviews the claim for potential total loss.
      If the claim is ... Then ...
      a possible total loss continue to step 2.
      not a possible total loss the procedure ends here.
    2. Discuss the repair estimate with the collision repair program participant.
    3. Make a journal note in WorkCenter.
    4. Create the Vehicle Valuation for total loss activity in ClaimCenter.
    5. Make a detailed note in ClaimCenter and WorkCenter (WC).
    6. Reject the repair estimate in WC

    1. Review vehicle options and condition.
    2. Contact the insured to determine if there are any additional receipts.
    3. Run the valuation to determine if it is a total loss or if the vehicle is repairable.
      If the vehicle is ... Then ...
      a total loss
      • inform repair facility that vehicle is a total loss
      • request a supplement for the repair facility, and
      • add the tear down time for the repair facility.
      • add repair notes in both ClaimCenter and Journal Notes, and
      • reopen the claim.
    4. Create the Total Loss activity to trigger the lien.