Last updated 2023-07-06

Vehicle estimate holds

Claims staff place a repair estimate on hold to prevent repairs or total loss settlements.

Reasons for placing a vehicle estimate

Holds are placed on a repair estimate to prevent repairs or total loss settlements when
  • an engineer is hired to examine the vehicle by either plaintiff counsel (PC ) or defence counsel (DC)
  • PC or DC request a hold
  • a Special Investigation Unit (SIU) investigator or officer is required to investigate the claim or examine the vehicle
  • vehicle damage is inconsistent with the loss type
  • there is a potential
    • breach, or
    • fraudulent activity regarding the claim
  • there is a lack of coverage
  • the vehicle owner has outstanding ICBC debt and
    • the third party (TP) has not reported or accepted responsibility, or
    • there is no TP
  • further investigation is required, or
  • a material damage (MD) dispute at first notice of loss (FNOL) exists.
Important: Placing a hold
  • on a repair estimate disqualifies the claim from payments for
    • vehicle repairs
    • Loss of Use (LOU) payments (on a reimbursement basis only), or
    • total loss settlement, and
  • may impact the removal of personal items when a vehicle is non-drivable and in the possession of a tow company
Note: The biohazard cleaning of vehicles is not impacted, however vehicles with an SIUrelated hold should not be biohazard cleaned.

Application and accountability

The same principles apply to every repair estimate hold, regardless if the vehicle is drivable , non-drivable , or salvage. Payments for vehicle repairs or replacement cannot be made if the repair estimate has a hold status.

The vehicle damageexposure owner is responsible for placing and removing the hold on the repair estimate.

Handling for a repair estimate hold

The table indicates when to add or remove a repair estimate hold.

When to hold or flag What hold or flag to create When to remove hold or flag
  • No customer contact
  • Stop payout of vehicles, either repair or actual cash value (ACV)
  • MD Dispute
Vehicle estimate hold
  • Investigation completed
  • Debt paid
  • Responsibility resolved
  • Vehicle damage is inconsistent
  • Need confirmation from the registered owner (RO) on possible beach of
    • rate class
    • territory, or
    • principal owner
  • Awaiting valid driver's licence
Potential breach auto segmentation from FNOL
  • Coverage in question flag
  • Vehicle estimate hold
Investigation completed
Further investigation required Vehicle estimate hold
Lack of coverage and British Columbia (B.C.) TP responsible or partially responsible Responsibility resolved
Engineer or SIU investigation
  • SIU flag
  • Vehicle estimate hold
  • Engineer viewed or provided report
  • SIU investigation completed
Litigation - Further investigation required Vehicle estimate hold
  • Defence strategy defined
  • PC satisfied