Last updated 2019-04-18

Settle total loss with endorsement

Steps to settle a total loss vehicle with an endorsement.

When this applies

When a total loss occurs to a vehicle with an endorsement, the customer is entitled to additional compensation with their total loss settlement.


  1. Establish the net purchase price.
    • obtain a copy of the purchase agreement, and
    • consider any equipment added to the vehicle according to applicable regulations and acts, and
    • if the vehicle was purchased used and a replacement vehicle is not available within 30 days, then refer to the Autoplan Optional Policy, Division 9 Special Coverage Terms and Conditions.
  2. Complete the applicable worksheet.
    If the customer has this endorsement... Then use this worksheet...
    Replacement Cost (APV286A) Replacement Cost Policy Worksheet (CL30J).
    New Vehicle Replacement (NVR+) Replacement Cost Policy Worksheet (CL30J).
    Limited Depreciation (APV297A) Limited Depreciation Worksheet (CL30F).
    Note: Should the customer wish to delay settlement longer than 30 days for the replacement of the same vehicle, this can be extended to 90 days.
    Note: The worksheets outline the potential settlement choices available to the customer.
  3. Determine an appropriate settlement choice.
    Important: If the vehicle is leased:
    • the decision of which settlement to accept is up to the lessor, not the lessee, and
    • the settlement choices are the same as for a purchased vehicle, except that the net purchase price is calculated differently.
    Note: For further information see definition of net purchase price in the Autoplan Optional Policy, Division 9 Special Coverage Terms and Conditions, Section 8 Definitions.