Last updated 2021-10-28
Page ID: T556D2

Determine a total loss at the collision repair program facility

An estimator reviews a total loss notification in WorkCenter (WC) and determines if a physical inspection of the vehicle is required or estimate can be approved.

When this applies

When the collision repair program facility submits the estimate or supplement request to ICBC, WorkCenter (WC) confirms whether the

  • Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE) program has flagged the vehicle as a potential total loss, or
  • repair facility has manually flagged the vehicle as a potential total loss.
Important: The repair facility is responsible for manually flagging the vehicle as a potential total loss.


  1. Review WC for Total Loss Warning icon and any photographs on the claim.
    If the claim … and the vehicle is ... Then ...
    has a maximum repair cost completed repairable approve the estimate.
    a total loss proceed to step 2.
    does not have a maximum repair cost completed not applicable proceed to step 2.
    Note: Even when the vehicle is deemed a total loss, a physical inspection may be required.
  2. Determine if a physical inspection of the vehicle is required.
    If … Then …
    • create a Journal Note to inform the repair facility that a site visit has been requested
    • in , create an EST – Repair Facility Site Visit activity. and
    • add the Location detail to the end of the subject line.
      Note: Once the actual cash value (ACV) is established, the max repair amount is entered into the Journal notes.
    Note: The vehicle needs to change locations if it was
    • sent to salvage and needs to be sent to a repair facility, or
    • reviewed at a Central Estimating Facility (CEF) or Outside Lower Mainland (OLM) estimating facility and needs to be sent to a repair facility.
    no the estimator
    • rejects the estimate (Review Assignment)
    • creates a TL- Prepare Vehicle Evaluation for Total Loss activity in , and
    • assigns the activity in the appropriate queue in .