Last updated 2023-02-13

Pay invoice for an assigned financial professional

The process in paying an invoice for a financial professional from one of the pre-qualified firms.

When this applies

Assigned financial professionals will submit all invoices directly to the claims representative who must pay the invoices within 30 days.


  1. Claims representative
    1. Receives invoice from an assigned financial professional.
    2. Saves invoice to the claim in ClaimCenter.
    3. Validates the invoice for payment by confirming that the
      • services invoiced were requested by the claims representative as documented in their instructions to proceed
      • rates billed are in accordance with current rate structure within the contract with the relevant financial firm, and
      • total number of hours invoiced were previously approved by the claims representative or their manager.
      Note: The assigned financial professional does not need to submit reports in order to be paid.
    4. Creates a Process Payment activity in the claim, and assigns the activity to the appropriate work queue for processing.
  2. Claims support assistant
    1. Receives Process Payment activity.
    2. Pays the invoice.
      Note: For additional details, refer to the procedure, Create a vendor payment for services provided.


The claims representative receives a Review and Approve Invoice Payment activity, to complete the payment.