Policy on work phase requirements for existing Financial Partners Program assignments

Policy on the requirements to allocate a file to one of the five (work) phases of the Financial Partners Program (FPP), for existing FPP assignments (i.e. claims that were assigned prior to March 9, 2017).


When adjusters request assignment of a financial professional (financial partner) in the FPP, they must determine the phase of the FPP that is appropriate for the file to be allocated to, in accordance with:

  • this policy
  • Policy on assigning a financial professional in the Financial Partners Program, and
  • the procedure, Financial Partners Program overview for exsiting Financial Partners Program assignments.
Financial loss claims that need to be allocated to:
  • Phase 1, are not applicable as this is for the completion of the discontinued Economic Loss Assignment (CL472) (web) form only
  • Phases 2, 4 or 5:
    • do not require approval when the phase allocation is determined by an claims specialist, or
    • require manager approval when the phase allocation is determined by an adjuster, and
  • Phase 3, requires:
    • approval from the adjuster's manager, and
    • completion of Phase 2 prior to allocation to Phase 3.
Important: Defence counsel cannot approve assignments or allocations between the phases.

The table lists the claim requirements for each phase of the FPP.

Phase Name Requirements for allocation into phase
1 Assignment of financial partner A claim can be allocated to Phase 1 or 2 at the onset of the assignment, when it meets the claim requirements outlined in policies:
  • Policy on when to assign a financial professional in the Financial Partners Program, and
  • Policy on the Financial Partners Program.
2 Preliminary review of financial materials
3 Substantive review of financial materials A claim can be allocated to Phase 3, when:
  • adjusters have received manager approval
  • Phase 2 of the FPP has been completed, and
  • any of the following criteria is applicable to the claim:
    • the customer has a prolonged injury that has reduced the functional capability they had prior to the accident
    • the preliminary review of the claim indicates that the wage loss claim may exceed $25,000
    • there is a discrepancy in:
      • reported salaries
      • actual involvement in business duties, and/or
      • sources of evidence, etc.
    • there is a lack of income source documentation that can be verified
    • the customer is employed or self-employed by a business that:
      • has the potential for future financial loss
      • operates outside of Canada, and/or
      • may have been impacted by external factors, as indicated by earning trends, and/or
    • there is a high risk of future financial loss claims due to the nature of the injury.
4 Financial analysis of industry standards A claim can be allocated to Phase 4, when assessment of the likeliness for future financial loss in particular industries, is required.
  • Phases 2 and 3 do not need to be completed, and
  • Phase 4 can be used for any type of financial loss (past and/or future).
5 Financial assistance for legal:
  • proceedings, and/or
  • documentation requirements.
A claim can be allocated to Phase 5, when:
  • the claim is litigated, or
  • legal documentation is required for financial loss claims that are in Phases 2 to 4, such as Application for Documents – Chambers.


  • Phases 2 and 3 do not need to be completed
  • Phase 5 can be used for any type of financial loss (past and/or future), and
  • Files can be allocated into and out of Phase 5, throughout the duration of the assignment.