Last updated 2018-08-13

Supplier Conduct Committee submission request process

Process of a Supplier Conduct Committee submission request.

When this applies

Supplier Conduct Committee Submission Request (WEB1032) forms are submitted when a legal opinion is required concerning a supplier’s conduct in relation to non-compliance with ICBC claims procedures, programs or contractual obligations.


  1. Supplier Performance Management department member or impacted business area member
    1. Completes and submits a WEB1032 form.
  2. Supplier Programs and Administration
    1. Reviews the WEB1032 form and forwards to Corporate Law for a legal opinion.
    2. Prepares Supplier Conduct Submission pre-read material for the SCC in conjunction with Supplier Performance Management.
      Note: An electronic copy of the presentation and any supporting materials are forwarded to the Supplier Programs and Administration department ten (10) days prior to the SCC meeting date.
  3. Supplier Conduct Committee Chairperson
    1. Convenes the meeting and sets the agenda.
    2. Maintains meeting minutes.
  4. Supplier Conduct Committee Members
    1. Reviews WEB1032 in detail.
      Note: If required, experts are retained on the subject to assist in the decision.
    2. Determines appropriate action based on details of WEB1032.
  5. Supplier Conduct Committee Chairperson
    1. Identifies action items for follow up and ensures that responsibilities for committee members and/or the impacted business area are clear.


Supplier Programs & Administration or Supplier Performance Management follows up with the impacted business area and the supplier under review, and advises them of the decision, as well as the recommended sanctions or lack thereof.