Last updated 2025-01-14

WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report

The WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report is an independent valuation service provided to ICBC by Mitchell. It comprises a comprehensive database which is updated weekly using data gathered from multiple sources. The WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report is the primary source for determining actual cash value (ACV) for vehicles.

Use of the WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report

All actual cash value (ACV) valuations must be completed using the WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report. When WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report cannot complete the requested valuation, then a manual ACV should be completed.
Note: Refer to Actual cash value policy for more information.

Data sources

The WorkCenter Total Loss Valuation Report researches the market through physical inspection and telephone contact to determine local trends.

As well, it gathers data from the following sources:
  • dealerships
  • automotive guides
  • websites
  • industry publications, and
  • classified advertisements.