Last updated 2021-10-28
Page ID: 4e7b

Initiate hit and run claim by collision repair program facility

The collision repair program facility submits a hit and run estimate to verify the damage is consistent with a hit and run claim.

When this applies

An Express qualified customer, with a drivable hit and run claim, may go directly to the repair facility for an estimate and repair.

Note: The repair facility submits a hit and run estimate for review by the ICBC estimator. ICBC determines if the damage is consistent with a hit and run.
Important: Supplements to Hit and run claims that are initially estimated by an ICBC estimator do not need to follow this protocol.


  1. Read the dispatch report in Mitchell Connect.
  2. Complete an estimate on the vehicle.
  3. Select the pre-stored estimate remark in Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE).
    Note: Only include the facts of the vehicle damage on the claim. All hit and run claims must have a close up image of all damaged areas of vehicle. This includes damage identified in the estimate but not included in the Digital Image Checklist.
  4. Upload the digital images to Mitchell Connect.
  5. Select Escalate for additional review by ICBC in Mitchell Connect, before submitting the estimate.
  6. Submit the estimate to ICBC.
    Note: All vehicles must not be washed or dismantled prior to receiving an approved ICBC estimate in all hit and run claims.