Last updated 2021-07-29
Page ID: 4a3f

Requirements for towing a vehicle to a storage facility

Policy on claim eligibility, rates, supplier responsibilities, and the conditions for requesting a tow.


ICBC pays for claim required tows, additional services, and storage days in accordance with the Towing and Storage Rate Payment Schedule (CL332) and Material Damage procedures. By accepting a Tow Dispatch Request, suppliers agree to bill ICBC in accordance with the Schedule and Procedures, and to release the vehicle(s) to ICBC, as and when directed by ICBC.

Non-ICBC dispatched tows

ICBC may not consider the payment of a vehicle tow between storage compounds and/or buildings, either owned, leased or shared, that is not dispatched by ICBC. For example, if at the scene of an accident the police direct the tow driver to tow the vehicle to a compound lot, ICBC does not pay the tow charge.

Tow supplier responsibilities

When a tow supplier accepts a Tow Dispatch or Photo Triage Request or Direct Payment Invoicing they

  • agree to release the vehicle, and
  • invoice ICBC in accordance with the applicable Towing and Storage Rate Payment Schedule (CL322) form for all claims that require

    • tows and distance charges,
    • additional service charges, and
    • storage days.

Eligible claims

ICBC pays towing and storage for a claim

  • that has ICBC Basic Vehicle Damage coverage, if ICBC authorizes and dispatches a tow, or requests an invoice
  • with ICBC Own Damage coverage for the cause of loss, if ICBC has authorized the claim, or
  • involving a Combination Vehicle incident, when
    • the customer has ICBC Own Damage coverage, for the damaged vehicle, and
    • the claims representative has authorized the claim for one or more of the combination of vehicles, or
    • the claim is under investigation.
Note: In a combination vehicle incident, ICBC pays first tow expenses for attached vehicles that are undamaged, such as a trailer.

Conditions for a tow dispatch

ICBC dispatches vehicles or contacts a tow company for any of these conditions

  • there is an insurable interest in the vehicle
  • there is an authorized ICBC claim with Own Damage or Basic Vehicle Damage coverages
  • the vehicle is required to be moved from one location to another, or
  • ICBC is requesting an invoice from a tow supplier.

Tow rates

Claim required, first tows, from the initial vehicle recovery location to a storage yard and/or building, including total theft recovered vehicles, are paid by the First Tow rate on each vehicle on the claim with the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) category.

Claim required, second or additional tows, are paid by the Claim Required Second & Additional Tow rate by GVWR category.

Towing and storage costs are based on the account/facility number attached to the storage yard/building closest to where the vehicle was originally recovered.