Policy on collecting deductible, depreciation and taxes by suppliers

Policy for suppliers to collect the deductible, depreciation and GST on repair estimates.


As part of the supplier agreement, ICBC requires suppliers to ensure they collect the deductible, depreciation and GST, if applicable, on repair estimates.

This policy applies to all suppliers.

Supplier requirements

The supplier:

  • must collect from the vehicle owner any amounts shown as:
    • deductibles
    • depreciation
    • GST from customers who have been identified as a GST registrant, and
    • any other agreed contribution to the repair cost, and
  • must not absorb or waive any of these amounts.
Important: Suppliers who fail to collect deductibles, depreciation or taxes are subject to any or all policies/sanctions available to ICBC up and to the loss of supplier number.

PST must not be charged by the supplier if the customer is exempt from paying PST. The PST registration number or other relevant documentation must be recorded by the supplier as support for the exemption. The exemption applies to customer who resell vehicles, multi-jurisdictional vehicles in prorate, the Federal Government and others such as farmers or diplomats.