Last updated 2024-06-20

Flood damaged vehicle policy

A motor vehicle identified as flood damaged and not repairable, must be handled as a total loss. and be designated for dismantle purposes only (DPO).


For a vehicle to be identified as flood damaged, it must align with the flood damaged vehicle description.

Important: Flood-damaged vehicles are not eligible for the owner retention or owner buy back programs.


Flood damage status does not apply to vehicles manufactured in 1971 or earlier. This provides flexibility for vehicles generally of collectible value, and manufactured with limited and basic electrical components.

A vehicle may be exempt from receiving non-repairable-flood status if
  • none of the vehicle’s major electrical system components have been immersed in, or covered by, liquid, and
  • it can be documented that the vehicle
    • was subjected to fresh water flooding, without the presence of harmful or toxic contaminants, and
    • may be safely repaired.
Note: All exemptions must be
  • approved by the manager, estimating services and
  • documented in the customer's claim.