Manage invoices from non-suppliers

Steps to manage invoices received from non-suppliers.

When this applies

When a customer has work completed by a facility that is not an ICBC supplier, the customer must request for reimbursement from ICBC.

ICBC does not accept invoices direct from non-suppliers, and all invoices are returned unpaid.


  1. Customer
    1. Contacts ICBC for reimbursement for work performed, less the deductible and any taxes applicable paid to the non-supplier.
  2. Retrieves the claim from ClaimCenter.
    1. Reviews documentation from the customer.
    2. Re-inspects the vehicle prior to reimbursement to customer.
      If… Then…
      accepted reimburse the customer directly for the work completed.
      not accepted
      • explain to the customer why it is not accepted, and

        • return the documents to the customer.

      Note: ICBC does not reimburse a customer for more than what they paid for the eligible repairs.
    3. Sends the documents to the Document Capture Facility (DCF).
      If… Then…
      accepted send the original documents to DCF.
      not accepted
      • photocopy the original document
        • send the copies to the DCF, and
        • return the original documents to the customer.
  3. Sends a Process Payment activity and assign it to the Claims Administrative Support Queue with an assignment location of your claims office.
  4. Creates a note in ClaimCenter explaining the reason(s) the repairs were accepted or not accepted.
    Important: The reimbursement to the customer must be completed using the Invoice Web Form, and not the Cheque Wizard.