Last updated 2020-02-03

Responsibility for deductible on Alternative Transportation Service vehicle

The customer is responsible for the deductible, when applicable, if an Alternative Transportation Service (ATS) vehicle is under their care, custody, or control and is involved in a claim.

Customer responsibility

The collision repair program participant must explain to the customer that when the ATS vehicle is damaged while in the customer’s care, custody, or control, the customer
  • may be responsible for the damage, and
  • must pay the appropriate deductible, when applicable, directly to the participant.
Note: A vehicle is considered to be under the customer’s care, custody, or control even when parked. Customers who are not at fault for a collision may be exempt from paying a deductible.

Damage responsibility

Responsibility for damage may be
  • a matter of common law, for example, colliding with a parked vehicle, or
  • assumed under contract, for example, a contract that makes the customer liable for any damage to the vehicle, even if it occurs as a result of vandalism or theft.