Last updated 2022-06-30

Process for conducting a fire investigation

An estimator conducts a fire investigation for determining the cause of the fire.

When this applies

Vehicle fire investigations are conducted to determine the cause of the fire. Once the cause of the fire is determined, issues of subrogation are possible.


  1. Estimator
    1. Attempts to determine the cause of the fire.
    2. Documents the repair estimate and ClaimCenter accordingly.
      Important: Exclude from the repair estimate, the repair or replacement of the item that failed, if one can be identified.
      Note: The loss will be paid under the appropriate cause of loss.
    3. Accesses the Recall Bulletins in TechAdvisor to research possible warranty recalls related to the failed part.
      If a potential warranty recall is ... Then ...
      • discuss this with your manager estimating services or designate
      • apply a hold to the repair estimate
      • inform the claim owner, and
      • inform the customer and have them contact the dealer.
      not identified proceed to the next step.
      Important: The manager estimating services or designate must contact Material Damage (MD) research coordinator regarding any potential warranty recall issues. The MD research coordinator will review the claim and work with Transport Canada regarding any recall issues.
    4. Determines the nature of the cause of loss.
      If the claim appears ... Then ...
      • suspicious, or
      • raises a concern
      • obtain an expert opinion to determine the exact cause of the loss, or
        Note: The services of a Fire Investigator may be obtained with manager approval.
      • refer the claim to Special Investigation Unit (SIU) if fraud is suspected.
      straightforward insert an Estimator Remark on the repair estimate "repair facility to contact ICBC if cause of fire located during authorized repair process".
    5. Calculates the actual cash value (ACV),if the vehicle is a total loss.
      If the cause of the fire is ... Then ...
      determined deduct the part that caused the fire from the ACV.
      Note: Determining causality enables the Estimator to accurately apportion coverage, remembering that a part that has failed or caused the loss, due to mechanical fracture or failure, is excluded from policy coverage.
      not determined
      • approve apply the full ACV, and
      • note the claim.
    6. Determines whether the claim is on hold.
      If the claim is ... Then ...
      on hold

      inform the customer of the ACV amount.

      Note: Do not approve the payment or print the cheque at this time.
      not on hold
      • approve the established ACV, and
      • follow standard total loss settlement procedures.
    7. Adds a note to the claim.
  2. claim owner
    1. Determines potential subrogation possibilities.
      Subrogation is especially possible when
      • the vehicle has been recently repaired
      • there is a defective part, or
      • defective workmanship has been found.
      Note: If subrogation is possible, note the claim and inform the claim owner.