Last updated 2016-10-25

Requirements for transferring estimate to dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility

Requirement for transferring the Estimate or Appraisal to a dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility.

Allowable transfer

The registered owner may sell their vehicle to a dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility prior to commencing the repairs.

Requirements for allowable transfer

For the transfer to be allowable, all the following requirements apply:

Requirement Detail
Authorized Repair Estimate or Appraisal
  • Prior to the sale the registered owner must obtain a fully authorized ICBC repair estimate written at a Claims Office or from a Direct Truck Repair (DTR) facility.
  • If the claim is Direct Truck Repair qualified, all attempts should be made to use the facility that
    • submitted the written estimate and
    • received authorization to complete the repairs.
Sales contract inclusion The original sales contract must indicate the claim as part of the transaction.
Direct payments When applicable to the claim, the following must be paid directly to the repair facility performing the repairs:
  • deductible
  • depreciation, and
  • tax.
Repair start timeframe The dealership or commercial vehicle repair facility has seven (7) days to start repairs, from the date of transfer of ownership. This date is indicated on the sales contract.
Two-year limitation period As with all claims, commercial claims are subject to a two (2) year limitation period in accordance with:
  • the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act, Section 145 for policies effective prior to June 1, 2007 or
  • the ICBC Autoplan Optional Policy, Division 8, Prescribed Condition 8(3) for policies effective on or after June 1, 2007.
Signing authority The Dealership/Commercial Vehicle Repair Facility General Manager or Sales Manager may
  • act on behalf of the registered owner, and
  • sign the Certification of Repairs on the Estimate or Appraisal upon completion of the repairs.