Salvage designation and vehicle registration codes

Summary of salvage designation and vehicle registration codes.

Salvage designation

When a vehicle is deemed a total loss and is sold through the ICBC Salvage department. The appropriate salvage designation and vehicle registration codes must be applied on the Total Loss Worksheet by the estimator.

The designation status of a vehicle determines whether it

  • can be rebuilt, or
  • is non-repairable.

The status is recorded in the BC Vehicle Registry.

Status Definition
Salvage The vehicle
  • has sustained damage to the extent that it is written off by an insurer, but
  • can be rebuilt using appropriate techniques and materials.
Note: Such rebuilt vehicles receive a rebuilt status following the required inspections.
Non-repairable The vehicle has sustained severe damage to the extent that rebuilding is prohibited, older low value vehicles or vehicles sustaining water or flood damage. Referenced as DPO (Dismantle for Parts Only) within ICBC.

Translation from ICBC Salvage to BC Vehicle Registry

When a vehicle is sold, the Salvage Management Information System (SIMS) updates the BC Vehicle Registry System (BC VRS) with the appropriate status. The following table shows how the SIMS designations relate to the BC VRS status:

Salvage (SIMS) Designation BC Vehicle Registry Status
DPO (Dismantle Purposes Only) D (Non-Repairable)
S (Salvage) S (Salvage)
TT1 (Total Theft) blank (normal status)