Last updated 2022-12-29

Salvage designation policy

Policy on handling a salvage designation to a total loss vehicle.


The designation or status of a vehicle determines whether a vehicle can be rebuilt or if it must only be dismantled for parts. All vehicle designations will be entered as salvage or dismantle purposes only (DPO) in the Salvage Management Information System (SIMS).

All the following requirements apply to total loss vehicles.

Requirement Policy
Notice of vehicle status change ICBC must give notice of a change in vehicle status to salvage vehicle or non-repairable vehicle when a vehicle has been deemed a total loss.
Disposal through Salvage Services All vehicles that are written off by ICBC must be disposed of through Salvage Services. Subject to the exceptions:
  • Owner retentions,
  • Owner buy backs, and
  • Delayed settlements where vehicle has been disposed by customer.

This ensures the vehicle is properly designated salvage (rebuildable) or DPO.

Sale only to qualified salvage buyers All total loss vehicles within the province of British Columbia, may be sold only to an ICBC approved and properly licensed salvage buyer.
Total loss designation and damage severity code All vehicles declared a total loss must be
  • designated as either salvage or non-repairable/DPO.
  • assigned a Vehicle Damage Severity Code in the Salvage Worksheet.

Applicable legislation

Refer to the Motor Vehicle Act, Section 17.1.