Page ID: 48b1
Unsafe vehicle classification and criteria

Unsafe vehicle classification and criteria

List of the unsafe group classifications, and the criteria used to deem a vehicle unsafe.


The BC Government Commercial Vehicle Inspection Manual’s definitions of unsafe (out of service) group classifications are:

  • mechanical:
    • power train
    • suspension
    • brakes
    • steering
    • instruments
    • lamps, and
    • electrical
  • body, and
  • tires and wheels.

Mechanical unsafe criteria

When a vehicle has any of the following mechanical problem areas, it is an unsafe vehicle.

Problem area Unsafe criteria

Power train

  • cracked, broken or bent axle or worn CV joint
  • fuel leak
  • fuel tank insecurely mounted
  • exhaust leak within the perimeter of the occupant compartment of the vehicle with holes in the floor (includes trunk)


  • cracked or broken suspension component
  • shock absorber not attached
  • air spring is deflated


  • any leak in brake system
  • any brake hose or line seep or swell under pressure
  • inoperable brake
  • metal to metal brake
  • contaminated brake lining
  • cracked brake disc or hub


  • cracked or broken steering component
  • loose steering component
  • loose or missing steering component bolts


malfunctioning gauges (for example, speedometer/odometer)


  • headlamps – at least one must be operable
  • tail lamps – at least one must be operable
  • turn signals – both sides must be operable


frayed or damaged wiring as a result of a short indicated by the smell or sight of smoke (burning wire)

Body unsafe criteria

When a vehicle has any of the following body problem areas, it is an unsafe vehicle:

  • any frame member that is broken, cracked, or sagging so it permits the body to contact any moving part(s)
  • collapse of frame is imminent
  • frame member or component does not support directional stability or support components
  • a 37 mm (1 ½ inch) or longer crack in frame which is directed toward a bottom flange
  • any crack in frame that extends from a frame web around radius and into a bottom flange
  • a crack 25 mm (1 inch) or longer in bottom flange, or
  • inoperative or ineffective windshield wiper on driver’s side

Tire and wheel unsafe criteria

When a vehicle has any of the following tire and wheel problems, it is an unsafe vehicle.

Problems Unsafe criteria


  • less than 0.8 mm (1/32 inch) of tread
  • any part of the breaker strip or casing ply is showing in tread area
  • visible bump or bulge in the tread or sidewall indicating separation
  • sidewall is cut or damaged exposing the tread
  • tire is labelled "Not for Highway Use"


  • wheel nut or stud is missing, loose or broken
  • loose wheel