Crushing vehicles policy

When a motor vehicle is a total loss due to the result of flood damage, then the vehicle is designated for dismantle purposes only (DPO).


The policy applies to the following situations that result in a total loss, and the vehicle being designated a DPO.

Situation Requirement
Vehicle meets the description of flood damage
The vehicle must be
  • designated DPO, and
  • crushed.
Components of a flood damaged vehicle may not be used as donor parts for repairing or rebuilding other vehicles, unless the donor part is
  • determined to be unaffected by the flooding occurrence, or
  • cleaned and tested, to ensure no toxic hazard or contamination remains.
The motor vehicle is
  • contaminated by a toxic fluid and rendered unsafe due to toxic hazard, or
  • exposed to contaminated water such as salt water, fertilizer, sewage, or chemical or heavy particulate.
The vehicle must be
  • designated DPO
  • sold by the ICBC salvage department, and
  • crushed.


A motor vehicle may be exempt from receiving non-repairable flood status when
  • none of the vehicle’s major electrical system components have been immersed in, or covered by liquid
  • the vehicle has limited and basic electrical components available, due to the vehicle’s collectible, that is manufactured in 1971 or earlier, value, or
  • the vehicle
    • was subjected to fresh water flooding without the presence of harmful or toxic contaminants, and
    • may be safely repaired.
Important: All exceptions must be approved by the operations salvage services manager or operations estimating services manager, and documented in the customer's claim.