Determine the repairs of a water damaged vehicle

Steps for an estimator to authorize a repair or a total loss for a water damaged motor vehicle.


Vehicle has water damage.

When this applies

An estimator must determine whether the water damaged vehicle is repairable or a total loss.


  1. Review the claim loss details.
  2. Inspect the vehicle.
  3. Determine whether the vehicle is repairable or not repairable.
    If … And the vehicle is … Then …
    • water line is above the bottom of the dash
    • water damage to major electrical system component, or
    • vehicle is unsafe due to toxic or biohazard exposure
    • flood damaged, and
    • a total loss
    Note: Flood damaged vehicle as defined by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) Guidelines.
    • proceed as a total loss vehicle,
    • designate the vehicle as dismantle purposes only (DPO), and
    • request the vehicle to be crushed.
    • water line is not above the bottom of the dash
    • no water damage to major electrical system component, and
    • vehicle is not rendered unsafe due to toxic or biohazard exposure
    repairable authorize the repair of the vehicle.
    • water line is not above the bottom of the dash
    • no water damage to major electrical system components, and
    • vehicle is not rendered unsafe due to toxic or biohazard exposure
    not repairable
    • proceed as total loss vehicle, and
    • designate vehicle for DPO