Last updated 2017-01-16

Contact Specialty Vehicle Appraisal Unit

Step to contact the Specialty Vehicle Appraisal unit for assistance.

When this applies

Claims staff should contact the Specialty Vehicle Appraisal unit for assistance in valuation or repair related issues involving high end, luxury, and exotic vehicles. The unit deals with the Specialty Vehicle Appraisal Repair facilities who are a group of dealers and body repair shops that specialize in repairing and selling higher end vehicles.


  1. Determine if the vehicle should be sent to the Specialty Vehicle unit.
    • If yes, proceed to step 2.
    • If no, complete the estimate.
  2. Contact the Manager, Estimating Services, at Specialized Vehicle Appraising to request their unit to review a vehicle.
    Note: Before contacting the manager, you must have the digital images uploaded to WorkCenter (WC) and provide to them the claim number.