Last updated 2023-09-29

Manage back-ordered parts for a collision repair program facility

A collision repair program participant requires a back ordered part for a repair and must process the estimate and send it to ICBC..

When this applies

The participant is repairing a vehicle that requires a back ordered part that will not arrive during the initial repair period, and must provide a supplement.


  1. Prepares the estimate for submission.
  2. Determines how to manage the back-ordered part(s).
    When parts ... And the repairs ... Then the repair facility ...
    are on back orderremains on back order are in progress
    • enters the back-ordered part and applicable labour hours on the estimate
    • notifies ICBC that the back-ordered part is preventing the start of repairs or delivery of vehicle by adding the pre-store line remark "BACK-ORDERED PART NOT INSTALLED"
    • enters an explanation line documenting the part delay, such as: Airbag delivery has no ETA, if the part has no estimated arrival time,
    • Add the * REQUIRES REVIEW * long expansion repair line from the ICBC My Templates group, and
    • submits the estimate for approval.
    Note: In order to prevent re-stocking charges or non-returnable parts, the facility should make reasonable attempts to determine part availability prior to ordering parts in the event the vehicle becomes a total loss.
    are partially completed
    • to the point that the vehicle can be driven safely and returned to the customer, such as fender flares or moulding, or
    • the remaining parts render the vehicle unsafe to drive, such as a seatbelt or airbag, delaying the return of the vehicle to the customer,
    • leaves the back-ordered part on the estimate and applicable labour hours
    • ensures the back-ordered estimate line entry includes the pre-store estimate remark "BACK-ORDERED PART NOT INSTALLED", and
    • submits the estimate for approval and payment.
    arrive are in progress
    • removes the pre-store estimate remark "BACK-ORDERED PART NOT INSTALLED"
    • sends the updated supplement to ICBC, and
    • installs the back-ordered part.
    require completion of the back-ordered part
    • installs the part(s) on the customer's vehicle, and
    • updates the Mitchell Cloud Estimating (MCE)Journal Note indicating that the back-ordered part has been installed.
    Note: If unable to update the Messages, email CC87 advising that the part is installed.
    are completed, but required additional labour time, such as a headlamp with a cosmetic blemish that affects the vehicle's ability to be driven safely, documents the original estimate with a labour remark explaining that the back-ordered part required additional labour once acquired.
    Note: A request for an additional estimate (new suffix) may be requested when the part is installed with the part price deleted and applicable labour time entered. An estimate prior to the part installation is not required, as the estimate must be submitted prior to the two year statute of limitations.
    Note: In certain situations, a damaged part may be installed on the vehicle to make the vehicle driveable for the customer and mitigate additional loss of use. As a result, the repair facility needs to remove the damaged part and install the back-ordered part when it arrives. Participants are entitled to add additional standalone time for that part, which is added as a manual labour time entry with an explanation line that the estimate entry is for the additional Re&I for the back-ordered part as identified on the estimate.
    Important: All back-order part prices, labour times and delivery ETA must be included on the estimate. In addition to the cost of repairs, ICBC must also consider the part delivery delays and claim impacts such of loss of use in determining repair against total loss decisions.

    An additional estimate, such as a new suffix (B sheet), may be requested to include any applicable back-ordered parts after ICBC has determined if the vehicle is repairable. ICBC recommends that back-ordered parts are included on the original suffix to reduce the overall administrative effort.