Last updated 2024-02-07

Back-ordered parts policy

Policy on back-order of parts causing a potential delay in the repairs of a vehicle.

Repair delays

Repair facilities must

  • notify ICBC when back-ordered part(s) cause delays in repairs, and
  • accurately document the estimate prior to billing.

In most situations, the labour incurred for the installation of the back-ordered part is based on the labour time listed on the original Estimate or Appraisal (A00). A stand-alone time may apply as it depends on the back-ordered part and circumstances. Estimators must determine the appropriate action and complete the estimate.

Additional standalone labour time on parts

In certain situations, a damaged part may installed on a vehicle to make it driveable for the customer and to prevent additional Loss of Use (LOU) coverage usage, when a back-ordered part has not arrived. The repair facility is entitled to additional standalone labour time once the back-ordered part arrives to

  • remove the damaged part, and
  • install the back-ordered part.

The additional standalone time is added as a manual labour time entry with an explanation line that the estimate entry is for the damaged part removal and installation of the back-ordered part as identified on the estimate.

Collision repair program participants must only bill ICBC for parts and labour performed, with the sole exception being in the event for a part not being able to be installed or returned.