Standards of performance for alternative parts suppliers on all parts

Guidelines for standards of performance on all parts for alternative parts suppliers.

Standards of performance

All alternative parts suppliers must meet all these standards of performance, regardless of the parts being supplied.

Requirement Standard of performance
Current parts list All parts suppliers must provide ICBC with a list of parts and prices as frequently as necessary, but not less than every 30 days, to ensure product and price remain current.
Delivery time Parts suppliers must make every effort to reduce delivery time.
Visual parts inspection All parts suppliers must visually inspect parts prior to delivery to ensure the parts’
  • quality
  • condition, and
  • serviceability.
Parts submissions All ICBC parts supplier submissions should include
  • parts that are in stocked
  • realistic prices
  • quality ICBC approved parts.
Quality and supply issues If a parts supplier can no longer supply a listed part(s) or is aware of quality concerns, they must immediately de-list the part(s) on their supplier submission.
Airbags and restraint systems Only new Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts are acceptable for vehicle repairs, including
  • air bag components
  • primary pyrotechnic equipped restraint system parts, such as Pyrotechnic pre-tensioner equipped seat belts, and
  • supplementary restraint system parts.

Standards are not met

The following lists the party responsible when standards are not met:

When a repair facility uses a... Then all responsibility for the quality of the part and workmanship lies with the...
supplier that does not meet the standards repair facility.
part that does not meet the standards
  • repair facility and
  • parts supplier.


Failure to meet the parts quality and service requirements and standards of performance may result in

  • suspension or termination as an ICBC parts supplier, or
  • measures as deemed appropriate by ICBC.