Refinish blend allowances

List of refinish blend allowances.

Refinish blend allowances for different blend applications

The table provides different blend applications and the circumstances when a blend application allowance is applied.

If the blend application is… Then the refinish blend allowance is applied when…
general blends the:
  • blended panel has unrelated pre-existing damage that is insignificant, or
  • vehicle’s overall paint and body condition warrant the application of a blend refinish.
blends to plastic parts the blend into fuel filler doors is for the purpose of facilitating a colour match.
blends from cladding to cladding the:
  • blend claddings or ground effects panels to facilitate a colour match
  • cladding to cladding or panel to panel blends only, and
  • wheel opening moldings where the molding forms part of a cladding.

This table presents when a blend operation allowance is not applied.

If the blend application is… Then refinish blend allowance is not applied when…
general blends

there is:

  • significant fading and/or peeling
  • pre-existing colour mismatch
  • rust perforation
  • significant damage to the panel, or
  • a pre-existing claim that includes refinish on the blend panel.
blends to and from plastic parts

there is blending from or onto:

  • plastic bumper covers
  • tow hook covers
  • door handles, or
  • mouldings.

The rational for this is due to:

  • frequency of factory mismatches on these parts
  • most of these items usually painted off the car
  • research that indicates a blend is not required or requested for warranty and in-house repairs at dealers, and
  • mouldings and door handles do not meet the definition of an adjacent undamaged panel.
blends to cladding it is for:
  • a rocker moulding and the moulding is not part of the cladding or ground effects, and
  • flat or matte finish claddings.


ICBC may consider paying some blends to and from plastic bumper covers when:
  • the current overall condition of the vehicle warrants the blend
  • there are no colour variations from the bumper to the adjoining panel
  • the transition from the bumper to the adjoining panel is constant, meaning there are no difference in angle which already appears to vary the panels colours, or
  • there are several tint variations, making it difficult to match the colour without blending to facilitate a colour match.
Note: All exception requests must be submitted:
  • to ICBC for approval as required, and
  • with the labour time zeroed out prior to receiving approval from ICBC.