Last updated 2023-09-28

Total loss settlement review requirements

ICBC representatives must review a specific list of documents before settling a total loss claim.


When settling a total loss, all applicable documentation, policy endorsements and related ClaimCenter information must be reviewed before completing a total loss settlement of a claim.

The following documents must be reviewed:
  • vehicle incident information in ClaimCenter
  • coverage details information in ClaimCenter
  • digital images of the vehicle
  • supporting documents provided by the customer
  • the Mitchell valuation or manual actual cash value (ACV) documentation and calculations including all excess endorsements:
    • Replacement Cost Endorsement (APV286A)
    • New Vehicle Replacement Plus (NVR+)
    • Limited Depreciation Endorsement (APV297A)
    • Extra Equipment coverage (sold directly on the APV250).
Note: The APV286A and the NVR+ endorsement information are contained on the Replacement Cost Endorsement (APG33A) form.
The claim file must include:
  • a signed Vehicle Ownership Transfer Agreement (CL96)
  • the appropriate total loss actions selected
  • confirmation of any ICBC and motor vehicle debt, if applicable, and
  • no active claim or estimate holds.
Note: If there is no signed CL96 form, you must obtain one immediately, before the total loss settlement can proceed further.